
Hi Dudes and Dudettes

My name is Katy and I am a chick and I will probably be posting stuff or maybe doing some stuff that you guys think is funny and if you don't think it is funny then FUCK YOU. Haha just kidding! But seriously fuck you.

No but seriously I'm getting paid 24 dollars and hour for this shit I don't need your laughter you self-centered pigs.


  1. 24 dollars and an hour? wow dude im doin good!

  2. Replace "dollars" with "smacks upside da head" and you'll have a more accurate view of what's going on here.

  3. I am pleased to see such an esteemed member of the fairer sex in the pool of contributors. This bodes well.

  4. Hahahaha I laughed so much for so few words! :D That's a pretty good wage for blog posts!
