
Ah, birth, the most beautiful of occasions.

If you can see this post without any other posts or comments, congratulations. You have witnessed something miraculous. The birth of a blog.

It's a lot like the birth of a person, I think. Most blogs/people lead uninteresting, rambling lives of nondescript bullshit. Most blogpeople are, quite frankly, boring. Yet, there's something magical about watching one come into existence. The potential is there for something great. Something meaningful. It's that potential, not the actual chances of it being realized, which captures the human spirit. Bleople can do great things, even if they probably won't.

I've never been someone to respect probability.

So, help me make this new, screaming, flailing peoplog realize its potential. I'll try to make it worth your while.

Recurring themes/articles you can look forward to:

Things I Hate About Blank
What a Cool Word
I Draw Stuff Poorly
Deadliest Blanks of Blank
Story Time
Vampire, Zombie, and Werewolf Threat Level
I Review Blank
Things You Can Do with Blank

All I'm asking is that you don't cripple my baby. Please, oh please, dash her not against the rocks. That would be a dick move.


  1. I feel partially obligated to slap dash it against rocks, to be honest.

  2. Then I guess it's my move, isn't it?

  3. The law of diminishing returns: as one performs an action, buys a product, impliments a worker, or et cetera, repeatedly over a period of time, standardly, that person loses welfare (enjoyment, usefulness) with each subsequent use.

    For the sake of discussion, let us apply this to the act of dashing babies across ground surfaces (or as they call it by its street name, "Baby Shuffleboard").

    Starting question: how many babies must you all, personally, dash across rocks before reaching the point of welfare equilibrium--as in, when does the joy of strewing an infant about terra firma no longer outweigh the effort of having to pick up the baby and use armstrength to lob the missile?

    (possible progressive discussion topics: #1 what surfaces to you find most a) effective b) enjoyable to use) #2 do you purchase babies for a) economical price/bulk or b)quality; tout the merits of your stance)

  4. I guess I can help with the birthing process, being female. All the babies would be, of course, Marelo's.

    Oh wait, does that mean

  5. I am particularly looking forward to the first, second, and penultimate regular features.
