
Doom Force

Puny mortals! Tremble before the might of my Super Doom Force!

The Testosterogue

I'm gonna be honest, I have no clue what this guy's deal is. He just kinda showed up yelling "LET'S DO THIS SHIT" and started punching out small children. He's pretty big. That's kinda his thing. He uh... he's not really all that complex. Although, he does have one weakness, nerds. In the presence of a true nerd, he completely loses his focus (or rather, what little he had to begin with) and goes into a berserker rage.*

He's smiling because he just ate a bus of children.

Jean-Luc LaPierre: "The Mime"

A being of pure hatred, raised in the dark lands of Quebec. What he may lack in might he more than makes up in unadulterated evil, bringing his foes to their knees with his unique brand of Pantocrime. Truly a man abandoned by God himself, forced to live off of the darkness itself.

Look at the hate in those eyes.

A being so hideous, so unpleasant, that the mightiest of men are brought to tears at her very voice. Upon sight, your innards attempt to escape your flesh to save themselves. This, of course, is a futile action as her visage will, without fail, cause your very soul to boil out of your body leaving nothing but a husk of your former self.**

(Artistic Conception)

The Hobo

He's a burden on society. Serious dick move. There's not much else to say on the matter. What a dick.

Dick. Move.

Are you trembling yet? You should be!

* We used to have a mastermind on the team.

** Hi Katy!


  1. Funfact: I started this article from a single line that popped into my head. Can you guess what it was?

  2. Was it cocaine? A single line of cocaine popped into your head?

  3. This is the most terrifying post yet! I appreciate how we have an artistic conception of Medeuxsa, but I wonder how accurate it is? How would an artist have lived to report back on her appearance?

    Maybe it's all a scam to save her for him/herself (the artist's self)?
